Wednesday, December 20, 2006

circle of dolls

More Commune Dolls (the pattern was drafted from a doll made long ago in a commune) commissioned (!) for Christmas gifts by friends of mine.

Today was the Second Annual Christmas Cookie Bake with two friends of mine. It was the first time this holiday season that I was able to relax and have fun. They're that sort of friends -- pure gold.

Christmas has caught me flat-footed once again. Despite crafting for this purpose all year, I somehow managed to leave several projects unfinished, and mailing things out didn't happen until today. (I did not ask for expensive, faster shipping options. People can wait.)

I spread out my purchases over the year as well, buying things as inspiration struck, to avoid last-minute bill pile-ups and the inevitable "I can't think of a thing to buy" that seems to strike my addled brain this time of year.

But those were things for extended family. What to get for my children? They're too old for toys, and too young for more adult interests (clothes, make-up, etc.) which makes gifting difficult. Books, of course. . . but what else? Just sign me up for Mother of the Year, leaving my children giftless.


Heather said...

hey ann,
I love your circle of commune dolls. It could be a poster!
I'm sort of at a loss too as far as what to get kids. I used to believe that some sort of musical instrument or record, a book, a fun piece of clothing and something they really wanted that didn't really fit into my aesthetic was a fairly balanced combo. Now I am constantly informed that I am a dork and know nothing (by the 11-year-old) so I am second-guessing myself.
Peace and joy to you in the New Year!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your baby quilt "Jonathan's quilt." I found it while doing a google search for baby quilt patterns. I have never made a quilt and my neice is due in April so I have the sewing machine and now I just need a pattern. I'd love to buy your pattern for "Jonathan's quilt" from you, if you're interested in selling it. I'd love to reproduce it with your permission. Feel free to post a comment on my blog on how to reach you about this. Thanks!
